SAP ABAP JumpStart Guide

This guide is designed to get you a basic SAP connector configuration that is useful without going through the different parts of the documentation. At the end of this walk through you will find links to relevant topics for each step as well as additional topics for importing objects from SAP systems, should you wish to customize the setup.


  1. The FQDN of the SAP system or its IP address as well as the system number.
  2. An SAP username and password and client with the require SAP authorizations. See SAP RFC user privileges for more information.

Process Flow

  1. Connect to SAP.
  2. Import SAP ABAP Programs.
  3. Schedule the ABAP Program.

Connect to SAP

  1. Navigate to Environment > SAP
  2. Choose New SAP system from the context menu.
  3. Specify the SAP SID in the Name field.
  4. Specify the connection string using FQDN hostname of the SAP system and system number (ASHOST=... SYSNR=..), for example SYSNR=00.
  5. Select a time zone in the Default Job Time Zone field.
  6. On the XBP tab, choose Add, specify the desired SAP client in the Client Number field, for example 100, the username and password in the relevant fields, check Default Client, and choose Check Connection Settings.
  7. If the connection settings are valid, choose Save & Close.
  8. Navigate to Environment > Process Servers and choose Start. If the Process Server reaches status Running, the connection is established.

Import SAP ABAP Programs

  1. Navigate to Definitions > Processes, fill SAP_Import into the search field, choose Submit from the context menu of SAP_ImportAbapPrograms.
  2. In the SAP Systen field, select your SAP system, in the ABAP Program field, fill RSDBTIME and choose Submit and Submit.

Schedule the ABAP Program

  1. Fill SAP_ABAP_RUN into the search field, choose Submit from the context menu of SAP_AbapRun, select your SAP system in the SAP System field, your client in the Client field, fill Test db time in the SAP Job Name field, select RSDBTIME in the ABAP Program field.
  2. On the Job Output Parameters tab, select Yes in the Delete job when finished field.
  3. Choose Submit, choose Monitor related processes from the context menu of SAP_AbapRun, once the process has reached status Completed, inspect step1_spool1.txt under Files.

Further Reading